Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day 19

Weight: 205.4

Sorry I haven't posted this week. I started a new job and it's been a bit of an adjustment. My weight has been pretty stationary, but is starting to drop again. I wasn't able to get all my Medifast meals in on Sunday or Monday, so that may have affected the speed as well. I'm back on schedule now, so hoping things will pick up again.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Day 14

Weight: 206.6

Down 11 pounds and am going into week 3!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Day 13

Weight: 206.8

Well, I'm official past the first 10 pound mark. 10.8 pounds lost!

This week has been hard...I'm PMSing, which means I have munchies and want to totally pig out. This kind of success helps me keep my resolve. :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Day 11

Weight: 208.2

Holding at this body is stabilizing.

Dieting is such a hard thing to do, but when you are successful, it is one of the most empowering experiences you can have. I know it's a simple issue of mind over matter. I get to choose what my body receives, and I can choose to make the healthier choices that will cause my weight to drop.

The hardest thing about dieting for me is finding alternative ways to deal with stress. My favorite way to deal with stress is to go to a fast food joint and pick up some comfort food. Yesterday, I encountered a major challenge when I left my job. I resigned from my old job and will start a new job next Monday. Yesterday was my last day with the company that gave me my first job out of college. I have a huge network of friends there, and it was extremely difficult and emotional to leave it all behind. Trust me, Taco Cabana was calling my name from across the street. One of the good things about my new job is no fast food close by, but there are lots of tasty options around my old company. So instead of indulging in comfort food, I went to Dillard's and bought some smaller clothes that I know I'll fit into in 6 months. Then I went to McDonald's and enjoyed a Diet Coke. Believe it or not, Diet Cokes are a big treat now.

In the past 10 days, I have listened to a lot of music, am reading more, and have taken a lot of hot baths. These little "treats" are great for relieving stress. I need to find the healthy options for relieving stress and anxiety so that I don't fall back into bad habits after the weight is gone.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Day 10

Weight: 208.2

Monday, February 18, 2008

Day 9

Weight: 208.6

9 pounds down, 71 to go!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Day 8

Weight: 209.0

I'm sure that number will tip up tomorrow, but I'm very happy with the medifast plan so far. I've lost 8.6 pounds in one week. I don't think any other diet could have gotten me past the 10% mark in the first week!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Day 7

Weight: 211.0

FYI, the weights I'll report are from my home scale.

I had my appointment with my Medifast counselor this morning. According to their scale, I have lost 7 pounds in the first week! I am so excited! The interesting thing about the appointment is that they do a urine dip for my ketone levels every week. Fine by me! Everything is looking great!

I can honestly say that the hunger is gone at this point. My energy levels are still really high, too. I think that losing weight is like battling any addiction. The difference between fat people and alcoholics is that alcoholics can cut the alcohol out of their life completely. Fat people have to have food to survive, so our source of addiction is a constant presence in our lives. The thing I am liking about the Medifast plan is that there is little food in my day to day life. It is primarily liquids.

Anyway, 1st week of 26 weeks is complete!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Day 5

Weight tipped up to 212.0 today. No big deal, it will definitely tip up and down, especially during the first week when rapid weight loss is occurring.

I'm used to the diet now. It's getting much easier now. Last night, I had to force myself to drink my last shake. I was already full! But every supplement helps you burn fat and calories, so it's important to get each and every supplement in.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Day 4

Weighed 211.6 today! Down 6 pounds in 3 days!

I know it will slow down soon, but am enjoying it for now!

Day 3

Weighed 212.6! Down 5 pounds in 2 days!

Day 2

Weighed 214! Lost 3.6 pounds the first day!

Day 1 synopsis

Weight: 217.6

Getting started!

This day was hard. I won't lie to you. I didn't like the shakes or the soup (chili---really nasty). I had caffeine withdrawal from not having my normal 6 diet cokes. I learned to put one packet of equal and ice in the blender with the shake mix and water before I blend it. The equal trick works for the shakes and the puddings. It takes away the soy taste.

Here's how the day broke down (and yes, you have to keep a food journal):
8:30 AM Had my first medifast chocolate shake
10:30 AM Had a vanilla shake. Added equal.
12:30 PM Tried to eat the medifast chili. Couldn't get it down.
3:00 PM Had Medifast Pudding. Yum!
6:00 PM Lean and Green Meal. 6 oz of baked chicken + 1 can of green beans.
8:45 PM Had my Caramel nut Medifast Bar.

We'll see how it goes!

The Medifast Plan

The Medifast plan is the only diet that Johns Hopkins has researched and recommends. It has been used in the past as an in-patient plan. The results from this plan that I found on the web are amazing. It is often used for patients considering gastric bypass or lapband procedures. I was going to try doing it on the web,, but discovered that Medifast centers are opening in the FL and TX regions. I found that one opened 20 mins from my house in December!

I made an appointment and met with the Medifast staff on Saturday, February 9, 2008. They used a body weight analyzer to determine what my weight consists of: water, fat, muscle, etc. They then determined that my optimal weight is 140 pounds. My starting weight on their scale was 220. You will see as I post my weights that I will post my scale weights at home, which run 2-3 pounds less than their scale. The great thing about the Medifast center is that a doctor is supervising the center. You have bloodwork done every couple of months. They take your blood pressure every week when you weigh in. Also, they have a written guarantee of how long it will take me to lose the weight! They told me that they could guarantee that if I followed their plan, I could be at my optimal weight in 26 weeks! August 9, here I come!

The plan was expensive. It was $1485 plus the weekly cost of food (which is around $70/week). The way the plan works is this. Every week you weigh in and buy your food supplements for the week. The food supplements are all in powdered form and include hot teas, shakes, soups, puddings, and fruit drinks. The only exception is the meal bars, but you are only allowed one bar per day. You are required to eat 5 Medifast meals per day (for me, 1 bar, 2 shakes, 1 pudding, and 1 soup) and one "lean and green" meal, which is a large protein serving and 3 green veggie servings. I am planning to do 6 oz of chicken and 1.5 cups of green beans for my typical lean and green meal. You are required to drink a minimum of 2 liters of water per day (and you can use iced tea or crystal lite for this), and you are only allowed TWO diet sodas(diet coke!) per day. You must eat every 3 hours. I'll post some meal schedules in case anyone wants to see what a day is like.

This is basically a modified liquid fast. Can it be done? Stay with me and see!

Getting Started--Background

I thought I would start with a little background about me. This blog is intended to track the trials and tribulations of the Medifast diet and my success (or failure) on the diet.

A little about me. I am a software engineer. I have a B.S. in Computer Engineering. I married my husband in 2001. He's a great source of support for me. I am currently finishing a Master of Science in Applied Mathematics (August!) and will be changing jobs at the end of February. My husband I have one daughter, who turns 3 in March.

I have struggled with my weight since I turned 10 years old. I know now that I suffer from hypothyroidism, so that is possibly why the shift occurred when it did. I was a chunky kid growing up but lost weight in high school so I could have breast reduction surgery when I was 18. I lost down to 130 and had the surgery. I went from a size E cup to a size C. It was definitely a good decision to have the surgery.

Anyway, over the years, I have struggled with huge weight fluctuations. My weight slowly rose to the 150s during college, then into the 160s when I started working. I am a software engineer, so I have a sedentary job. In 2001-2002, my weight rose to around 200 pounds. I tried to lose the weight, but failed to do so. Finally, in 2003, I was preparing to get pregnant with our first child, my wonderful OB/Gyn did some blood work and found that my TSH (thyroid stimulation hormone) was 26. Anything about 5 indicates hypothyroidism, or a lack of thyroid hormone in the body. I was put on medication and lost back down to 160 pounds. Then I got pregnant with my daughter in 2004.

The pregnancy was great, but I ate everything in sight! I gained 90 pounds in my pregnancy and ballooned up to 250 pounds. I gained 40 pounds in the last 4 weeks of the pregnancy in fluid and developed pre-eclampsia. This led to a last-minute C-Section to deliver my daughter. After she was born in March of 2005, my weight fell to the 220s, but didn't go any further. In the past 3 years, I have lost as low as 190, but that is as much of the weight I have managed to lose. I've gotten discouraged in losing the weight and have fluctuated between 190 and 225 constantly. I've tried the Zone, Atkins, Weight Watchers, and Jenny Craig. The Zone and Atkins were great, but I didn't have the accountability to stick with them. Weight Watchers is a wonderful diet as well, but it is slow and is better if you have 20 pounds to lose, not 80. Jenny Craig frustrated me. The counselors refused to drop my calories below 1500, and my weight loss reached a standstill that they didn't seem to be concerned about. I finally threw in the towel when I lost 1 pound in 4 weeks and they didn't take any action.

So, a week ago, I had finally reached the end of my rope. What can I do to fix this constant problem in my life? My family has a history of diabetes and I don't want to develop the disease. After a lot of research, I discovered the Medifast diet plan.

More info on the diet in the next entry.